Wine Storage and Serving - Rombauer Vineyards
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Wine Storage and Serving

Essential tips and tricks for wine storage and serving.

Wine Storage Tips


  1. Keep It Cool

Temperature is one of the most critical factors in wine storage. The ideal temperature range for storing wine is between 45-65°F (7-18°C). Avoid storing wine in places where temperatures fluctuate dramatically, such as near ovens or in garages.

  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can degrade wine, causing it to age prematurely. Store your wine in a dark place, such as a wine cellar, a dedicated wine refrigerator, or a cool, dark closet.

  1. Store Bottles Horizontally

If your wine has a cork, storing the bottles horizontally helps keep the cork moist. A dry cork can shrink and allow air to seep into the bottle, which can spoil the wine.

Wine Serving Tips


  1. Serve at the Right Temperature

Serving wine at the correct temperature can enhance its flavors and aromas. Here are some general guidelines:

  • White Wines: Serve chilled, between 45-50°F (7-10°C).
  • Sparkling Wines: Serve very chilled, between 40-45°F (4-7°C).
  • Red Wines: Serve slightly below room temperature, between 60-65°F (15-18°C).
  1. Use the Right Glass

The shape of the wine glass can influence how you perceive the wine’s aroma and taste. Use a glass with a wider bowl for red wines and a narrower bowl for white wines. For sparkling wines, use a flute to preserve the bubbles.

  1. Let It Breathe

Some wines, particularly reds, benefit from being exposed to air before serving. This process, known as aeration, allows the wine to open up and release its full bouquet of flavors. You can use a decanter or simply let the wine sit in the glass for a few minutes.

  1. Pour the Right Amount

Fill your wine glass to about one-third full. This allows you to swirl the wine in the glass, which helps release its aromas. It also leaves enough room for the wine to breathe.

  1. Pair with the Right Food

Pairing wine with the right food can elevate your dining experience. For example, pair a rich red wine with a hearty steak or a crisp white wine with seafood. Check out our Recipe Page for perfect pairings and delicious recipes.


While there’s no wrong way to enjoy a bottle of Rombauer wine, proper storage and serving techniques can make a significant difference in your experience. By following these tips, you’ll ensure that every bottle of wine you open is enjoyed to its fullest potential!